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      05-15-2021, 06:14 PM   #5
Brigadier General
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Drives: 21 X3 & 13 335is E93
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Thank you -

Originally Posted by tdott View Post
I agree.

But for Ovals are there any better options ? Are tires better or worse?
Like any track that faces the massive expense to create Armco crash barriers, re-design a section of the track to either slow or re-direct the car away from a known danger....

Indy could and should do the same.
I suggest the concrete wall is removed entirely and to prevent decreasing the actual width of the turns, the latest in energy absorbing crash barriers are installed which may require altering the spectator seating (perhaps take out a row or two of seats and add them back in somewhere else as to not affect revenue)....and then relocate the catch fence that keeps the cars and debris out of the spectator areas.
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